020311. Yes yesterday, me, sharine, and the 2 Huangpantus went to sentosa!:> We supposedly went there for picnic, and play water, but in the end, it was more like we were filling ourselves up with sand, from head to toe, and MASS tanning! HAHAHA yes I should let all the pictures do the talking then.

So firstly, we went to vivo mart to get some stuff to munch on!^^ & sharine and elsa was damn busy choosing stuff, me and elsy like camwhoring like we are at our house LOL XD.

Yeap and then after awhile, elsa came in too!

This woman like desperately deleting photos after finding out that they have no more space!

Me and Fangz!^^

Huang Pantus!^^

Once we settled down, we started volleyball, but apparently it was quite fail. HAHAHA

Me and Huangpantu Yingsing~^^


Elsy's polka dot shirt !
Like 2 happy children playing water.

Angmoh aunties took this for us.

Elsa think she's like the queen of the world OMG HAHAHA

Wet Look FTW!^^

Elsy like hungry ahhh!

Cover sand on her~!^^

Then to make sure that people know we were there!...


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Minhwan ahhhh~ ^^ (L)