hey!..dis week..we had sec3 interclass soccer..both girls & guys..my class the girls team is like me,cherilyn,cassandra,uma,yasmine,gracia,wei ting, joyce and yu teng.i tink like we were out after playing like 2 games?..coz like 3 faith beat us & 3 joy beat us by a penalty kick..but at least we had fun..& on tat day..we actually had training,but luckily mr chong let us go,but coach didn't really want us to go,scared tat we get injured.he also has a point lar.den..we had our overall scores checked yesterday..i passed all but except E maths, it was like damn bad..& tat time xp say tat our first time work not counted coz the teacher nvr sign or something..-_- sian..anyways..below are some pics from the interclass..

anyways..will stop here.BYE:D
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