Yup So yesterday was our last day as E25M together, & also our field trip to the National Museum. Although we didnt really take any pictures as a class, but I'll really miss everyone single of you all!♥
On another hand, Our trip ended up like a photoshoot only HAHAHAH!

Before Ah Xin chingu left, her, me, yeobo, and khunnie's wife @ Ben's&Jerry!
After finishing ice cream and buying the keychain for khunnie's wife's friend and Sharine, we left. On the train, khun's wife & I talked in the train & then get so excited like nobody's business like that HAHAHA!
Yup So thats like a "summary" of all the pictures. If Iwere to take all I think it'll take forever & ever. Oh and yst my classmates were like singing "friends forever", just like how my Sem1 classmates ended sem1, which made me cry! For sem 2, a different feeling, but a almost similar ending, because of the song! But anyways I feel that I had fun this sem, although at times it was stressful, but Im glad I met this bunch of crazy but awesomezz ppl as my classmates!I'll never forget all the K-POP-ing, Singing sessions, video-watching, psychoing in everyone to play FB Games(cooking mama...XD)& the crazy laughters!HAHAHA :D Goodluck for UT3 YAH? ^^♥
All your chingu 친구,
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