Okay I dont even know if there's such a word, but then ya, I just thought of this word HAHA.
Anyways just thought that since im not gonna be sleeping early, might as well blog. So last week's been, tiring TTM! On wed night, everyone chiong-ed for business plan. I think my team's peeps were awesomeeeez! Adeline yeobo, together with farishah, peiyu & fangxin Chingu stayed up till the business plan was submitted:D .
And on friday I went shopping for CNY clothes with IVYYY & XUEFANG! We didnt buy alot, but we did buy some. & we have also learnt from that day, that next time when we go out, we cannot let xuefang lead the way, especially when taking the BUS, OMG!HAHAHA
And this coming thurs would be the real one, the presentation, booth & all. Arrghhh & there's marketing UT tmr.
and im definitely counting down to the holidays & CNY more, to make myself happier, since its nearer! & I really like my hair today(as you can see in the picture above^^)! DAMN random I know T.T
Anyways just gonna sleep now or else tmr I would cnfm sleep in class!Annyeong! :>
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